Surprise, surprise I'm taking another trip

Well I know its been a while and I'm sorry about that. I have been super busy at work and having split days off (for one week) really didn't leave me much time for some of the things I enjoy doing, such as posting on here. But I am here now and going to share some of the photos I have taken. I haven't gone to far from home as I didn't have the time, but really you don't have to go far to get good photos. You only have to go far to get photos of different things. Speaking of different things I am taking a quick trip to Yellowstone/Grand Teton National parks in a few weeks. I wasn't planning on going again until September but I have Three good reasons for going on this one. One my Brother will be there fishing. Two my Sister (whom I haven't seen in about a million years) will also be there being a tourist. And Three, there has been a baby white Bison born in Lamar Valley. I can't pass up a chance to see my Sister. I don't often get the chance and the other Two reasons are just putting a cherry on top. Okay now for the photos. These first Two are of a Eastern Kingbird. I have never gotten this close to one before. My ninja skills were strong on this trip as you will see in other photos I'll be posting. I was able to get close to several subjects.
Now these are ones I never got the chance to get close to. As I was getting out of the car I noticed a Hawk flying overhead. But when I looked closer I saw that it had a Snake in its Tallons. I snapped a few shots and here are a couple of them.
I also was able to FINALY catch the Virginia Rail that I had seen a few weeks before and hadn't seen since, plus a little bonus. I was able to snap a few shots of its Chicks. The Chicks are jet black.
The last photo the adault has a Larva of some sort and it fed it to one of the Chicks. I'm sure I snapped a few photos of that but for some reason I haven't downloaded them yet. I'll have to look into that and do an update on this. The Virginia Rail isn't common here in my area so I really feel lucky that I have been able to get some photos of them. I was also able to get a few close shots of a Muskrat and a Cormorant and those will be the last photos of this post. I still am planning on doing my Raptors/Birds or prey posts. I want to get a few new shots of the Burrowing Owls before I do but I haven't been able to catch them out lately. I have stopped by thier home but it was windy and they were down in the ground I guess.


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