The Queen Has fallen, The passing of Grizzly 399

As the title states, the queen of the grizzlies, grizzly 399 has passed. She was struck by a car yesterday and did not survive. She was 28 years young, which is actually quite the advanced age for a Grizzly in the wild. I first photographed her in 2020 on my first ever trip to the greater Yellowstone area. She had 4 Cubs that year and I was lucky enough to catch her and the Cubs while they were still young.
Over the years I made at least one trip a year to photograph her. I wasn't always successful, (She obviously didn't get the memo that i was coming over to see her.) My first trip to Yellowstone this year I was able to catch her and her Cub Spirit at the side of the road, which she was famous for doing. That was on my birthday and that day was the best day of wildlife photography ever.Here are the last photos I took of her.
Not being able to photograph 399 again is a real let down, but is one I have been preparing for with her advanced age. The last few years I've been dreading the news that she never came out of hibernation. Her being struck by a car was really never one of my fears. I will still head down to the area as he daughter 610 is still there and she follows her mother's teachings and stays by the road when she has Cubs. plus I don't photograph just Bears, I do all wildlife and that area has a ton. I'm retiring soon and I'm planning on doing an extended trip in the Yellowstone area. I'm hoping they put up a monument to her as she has been an ambassador to the area for decades. 399 will never be replaced and will always be missed, Long live the Queen!


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