Raptors and Yellowstone

Well heck, I am planing on a trip to Yellowstone after all. I leave Sunday afternoon and will return on Friday or Saterday I haven't figured that part out yet as its not a big worry. The weather is looking kinda bad, but it could get better.... or it could get worse. Either way I am going as the draw I get when thinking about heading there is just to strong. I am going to be tent camping about Twenty miles from West Yellowstone. The place sounds really nice although I did read a few bad reviews. One complaind that there was no smoking in the camp grounds and another was upset that they had a pipe break and there was no water for a day. Not things I am going to worry about. Besides there is showers and coin-op laundry in West Yellowstone and in Grand Teton. Back to the weather, rain and snow are in the forcast for Monday and Tuesday. From what it says for now its a chance in the afternoon. I'm going to be trying for Wolf, Big Horned Sheep and Grizly 399. She is my favorite Bear by far. I will of corse capture photos of anything that gets in front of my lens while I'm hunting them though. This trip will be my Birthday wekk and I will be doing what I love.... Can't beat that right? Now for the Raptors. This first post will be just an over view of whats to come. I don't know how many posts this will take as there are so many to speices to do. Some I havwe just a crap-ton of photos of and some I have only a few. I will most likely save the "Few" for the end as I might get more photos between now and then. So lets get it started with the Great Horned Owl
Now this is an over view so I'm just giving a glimps of what is to come. I will have stories to tell of the photo or something about the bird in the upcoming posts. I will have Eagles hawks and of all sorts.
Like I said, random today and more to come. I wont promise to post another one before my trip but I do plan on posting while on my trip. As long as I have cell service which I should everywhere outside the park, plus there is WiFi at the campgrounds. Now most of what I'll be posting then will be on the trip its self but one never knows what this old man will do... Not even this old man ;)


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