My Big Day!

My big day, and it truely was. One it was my Birthday and it was also the best day of wildlife photography I have ever had. More bear than a man has the right to see in one day with the first one being The QUeen of the Grizlies #399 and her cub. I not only seen Bears though and I will give you a peak at what I did see, but first I have to show "The Tree" Now there is nothing really speical about this tree. What keeps me taking its picture is the fact that it looks like it is ouy of place. Its the only one like it on the mountain side. I have taken its picture every trip I've taken to Yellowstone. Maybe I'm nuts but I like it.
I turned 64 yesterday and I spent it having the best day ever! I seen so much wildlife it took Three hours longer to get out of the park because everytime I turned a corner there seemed to be something there. But lets start with the first thing I seen that morning. I call it "The Urban Fox"
This Fox lives inside the City limits of West Yellowstone. I seen it last year but it was way to dark to get a picture.... But not this year. I knew when I got the Fox I was going to have a good day. I just didn't know how good. Next up I give you Grizly #399 and her cub.
I have many more photos of these two, but I am going to do a post just on #399. She desurves that being that she is 28 years old and most Grizlies live about 20 years and she has a cub! The Queen gets her just dues. Now I seen many more Grizlies and I am going to post a few below. These are males I'm sure due to two things. One they were alone with no cubs and two some of them were in an area that a male is known to hang out. You'll just have to trust me that they are Boars now Sows.
Now I not only seen Gizlies, I saw Black Bears and there were even Black, Black Bears. But to me the blonde/Cinnomon are the best... I got photos of both.
Okay Bears and Foxes not a bad day... But wait theres more...So much more that this post may be a very long post. But it will be worth it. Lets talk the closest living relitive to the Giraffe, the Pronghorn Sheep (yes its true look it up)
The females were so ready to have their babies I almost thought I was going to get that on video... But nope didn't happen. Lets switch it up and do a couple of birds. Mountain Bluebird and a Yellow rumped Warbler.
I took these photos while I was photographing something else. (That something else will be last on this post.) Now I got a few other birds as well. A Great Blue Heron and a Sage Grouse. The Sage Grouse was the only new bird on my trip so far.
This next is the food of the critter that follows, which will also be the last of this post. I give you... a Ground Squirrel!
He was doing his best to hide from a Coyote. He made it out a live, but Two others weren't so lucky. Now this Coyote is named, they call him "Limpy" he has a limp when he runs. He walks just fine but when he walks.
S thats it for this post. and I most likely wont post until I get home (when ever that is) I left Yellowstone as I was camping and theres supose to be 6 to 8 inches of snow tonight. I'm crazy enough to camp in below freezing temps which I di the last Two nights. But I'm not wking up to my tent colapsing and or six inches of snow to drive through to take photos. Besides I won't do any better than I did Tuesday. It was "My Big Day" after all.


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