An over night test trip

I am heading out in 10 days on a camping/photo trip. I'm not 100% sure exactly where I'll be going but I know I will be camping. I love to camp and haven't really been doing a whole lot of it. I went and bought a new tent and a new camp stove so I wanted to go out and give it a try. I would hate to be out in the middle of nowhere and find out something doesn't work. I planed on camping over by Turnbull where I go for Moose photos. But the one spot that I liked dosen't let tents in there park. So I headed over to Potholes State Park. I got the spot I wanted too. It was in a corner, lots of trees for wind blockage and shade. So I set up camp.
The wildlife at Turnbull was not the best. I did get some nice shots of some turkeys strutting there stuff.
Then I got a shot of a Squirrel that I can't figure out exactly what kind it is. I had to get the shot through the windshield of the car so its not the best.
The Goose in the top of the tree was just a bonus. I rarely get a chance to see them in trees. Now here are some of the shots from Potholes.
Then there was the Owls. I have been watching their nest but haven't seen any chicks. So that was the first place I went after setting up camp.
I give you Lloyd and Gloria. Lloyd is the grey one. I named them after my parents. I figured it was fitting as I had been calling them Mom and Dad. But still no chicks. They were both off the nest and stayed that way all day. But I still could find no chicks. Then came this morning. I always start by finding Lloyd, he normaly is sitting about Ten trees down from the nest. But today he wasn't to be found, Gloria was in her normal spot though. So I went over and took a few shots, this time though she was watching me. Something she has never done and when I went closer to the nest she really watched me. That got me thinking that there was indeed chicks near by. Its normal for the chicks to leave the nest long before flight. But again I couldn't find any sign of the chicks. Then Gloria flew to the nest and I just caught a glimps of something in her tallons. She had brought food to the nest. I stood there and just watched as she fed something to the chicks, but couldn't see the chicks. Then I saw a small wing come up and go down then come up and down again. THERE ARE CHICKS! I didn't get any photos... yet but as they are one of my favorite subjects, I will be going back soon as it wont be long before they are out of the nest and gone. Here is a shot of the nest, Mom has her tail feathers sticking out and thats about all you can see.
My plan is to start the Raptor blogs before my next trip but who knows.....


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