Winston Wildlife Safari

So while on my trip I spent a day at Winston Wildlife Safari, I mean when will I ever get the chance to actually go on a real safari? So this is about as close as I will ever get to one and it was actually pretty fun. They are one of the top Cheeta breeders inn the world and have quite a few there at the time I was there. They even have one you can have your photo taken with. (I was to late to have that done that day). But they have the full gambit of critters, Lions, Tigers and Bears (Oh my). So let me post a few photos to get started with. I tried my best to get shots withouy fence in them, but some of the animals were just to dangerous to not be fenced/caged.
Now I don't know the name of each breed of animal that I photographed I had a list but I can't find it as of making this post. I held off hoping to find it but no luck so on some of the more extic ones you'll have to forgive me. Plus there are a few that I won't be posting on this one because I am saving them for my top "10" which I can promise will be more than "10"
Now for some of the cats. I did get a picture of a Mountain Lion but I am not going to remove it from my bucket list as it was not in the wild. But I did get some of the big cats.
Well I guess I will make a part two. I have so many more photos to share and this is getting to be a long post. If you like these posts could you do me a favor and share this site with your friends. I would love to see this grow. I never stop taking photos so there will always be something new posted on here. Tomorrow I head to Turnbull to see if the Redheaded Ducks have arrived and maybe get some Moose photos. Wednsday I plan on checking in with the Owls and see if I can't get a good shot of the chicks. So I will see you on the next post.


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