Malheur Wildlife Refuge

I was at Malheur wildlife refuge on Saturday. Its a big birding hot-spot in Oregon. All the reveiws and video's I watched said it was the place to be. Well, yes and no. Most of the marshes are dried up, so therres not a lot going on there, but where there is water there is life. I found water and I found life, lots of it.
The White-faced Ibis was my target species for the trip. Thats the first photo above. I think you know what the other two are. (Bald Eagle on its nest and two Mule Deer) There were two other birds that I had on my list that were must haves to make the trip worth while.
The first photo is of a Long-billed Curlew. I know it isn't all colored and such but I really like it, I just wish I would of seen more than one. The second is a American Avocet. With its up-curved bill its just way cool I think. I also got a new Duck while I was there one I had never heard of, let alone seen. Its called a Cinnamon Teal and you'll know why its called that looking at the next set of photos.
Now even though there wasn't water on over half of the place I was able to get a few nice shots still.
Then I took a few shots at the Head quarters of the Refuge. The top shot is a Red-tailed Hawk chick looking out the nest. The last shot I just had to take even though I have tons of pics of them already, but it was a "Why not" shot
Now I have a ton more shots and some videos as well that will come along later. I am planing to do a "Top Ten" photo post but to be honest it may need to be a top Fifteen or Twenty. Plus I have one stop I made hat I haven't posted any photos or even mentioned so be looking for those posts coming soon as I will be home tomorrow evening-ish and back to work on Wendsday. I have another vacation coming in May and I need to contact a friend to see if I can get "Hooked up" with a place to stay for a night or two. Then I'll make the rest of the plans for that trip. So intell the next post....Later


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