First Two Days Of The Trip

Well the first Two days of the trip are in the books. I have gotten Seven new critters all but One has been a bird. I knew birds would out number animals and so far its been true. In fact the only new non bird I've gotten so far is a Western Pond Turtle. I already had the Painted Turtle and those are the only Two that we have in the area that I know of. Now just because I'm not getting new and different critters dose not mean that I'm not getting any good shots, because I am, I mean I'm getting some great shots and a few that I wouldn't of thought I could get. I'll post all those photos with a little info on them as I go. So I'll start it off with some Osprey pictures. They are building their nest and I was lucky enough to catch one bringing a stick to the nest. I think for a bird in flight these turned out pretty damn good.
Now for that Turtle I mentioned above. Now I have seen these around for many many years. I just never took their picture. My cusins had ponds near their home and a small creek were the turtles would hang out.
And now the surprise opertunity shot I got today.
A Turkey Vulture that I have no idea what it was doing. Maybe trying to cool off although it was only in the 60's at the time I was snapping his photo. But one thing is for sure, I never thought I would ever get that close to one. I just wish I could of gotten a few without the branches in the way. But I'm still pretty happy with them. I have many more photos to share but its late and I still haven't figured out where I'm going tomorrow. I'll see you in the next post!


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