When The Wildlife Know You're The Boss (Plus an update.)

When the wildlife know you're the boss and they do as you comand! (This is just for fun, my photos just worked out so I could do this post) I went back to Turnbull National wildlife refuge on Wednesday in hopes of seeing something that had fur not feathers. I was lucky and seen a few critters to capture so let me entertain you just a bit.
I was driving by a pond and I seen this young lady just paddling along and I said to her "Hey, I think that you should hangout with this young man over here."
And as they should, they listened and are now a happy couple.
Oh but I didn't stop there, oh no. I soon came across a wild-e Coyote. He was just running around causing trouble, so I said "Hey you bad boy! lay down and stay!" And wouldn't you know it he listened.
Now I'm starting to think that I have power over these wild critters, but I wasn't sure so I thought I would put it to the test, something that was big enough that it wouldn't do as I say just by fear. No I wanted to make sure that I was in control. So I came across a animal that was big enough, and strong enough that it could stomp me into the ground. But would it listen, could I actually have comand over such a beast? I know, I know why even ask right? Well I seen this big ol' Moose just watching me. It huffed and puffed at me like it was something to be feared. Was I fearful though? NO! I looked it in the eys and shouted out "Kneel before me you beast!" it looked at me and just like magic this happened.
So I think I will not try this with a Grizzly, but hey it was fun to do this post. Now for an update. I will be heading down to Oregon in a couple weeks to get some R-n-R and take way to many photos. I will also be learning a new camera. I have ordered the Canon R6 mark II and it will complete my camera needs. This is a full frame camera (Shoots better in low light which is why I need it) So I'll be packing three cameras with me. My 90D my trusty R7 and now the R6 mark II. I'll have more on the specs at a later date and hopefully a video on the YouTube. This vacation is needed after this boring winter in the "deadland" I mean Central Washington.


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