The Great Blue Heron

A few years ago on my first trip to Yellowstone I was lucky enough to get some really nice photos of a Great Blue Heron. They are a large bird that wades in the shallows of rivers, lakes and streams. If you've never seen one fly you may not beleave me when I say birds came from the Dinosaurs. But be that as it may, here are some of the photos I got of the once dino..... This one hasn't gotten its mating plumage yet, but I'm hoping to get some next month on my next Adventure out in the wild. I'll be heading to Southwest Oregon to see if there is some wild cats to be found.
The bird let me get closer than they normally do. It wasn't because it didn't see me as you will see in the photos below it looked right at me. but as long as I was standing still it would let me shoot all I wanted.


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