The Majestic Bald Eagle

There are a few critters on this planet that I know I will never tire of watching or photographing. The bald Eagle is one of those critters! This winter has been a really good year for photographing them. I haven't gotten one grabbing a fish yet (thats a bucket shot for me) but I'm sure that that photo is coming. I have been saving up a bunch of photos just for this post, so I will start with some photos of a Bald Eagle on a post. WARNING they will be graphic. Hey a bird has to eat... Right?
Also I would like to point out that all these photos will be of adult Eagles. Although I have taken a ton of pictures of Juveniles and some are really nice shots, I have enough nice shots of adults for this post. So here are the rest. I don't think I really need to say anymore the pictures capture what needs to be said anyway.


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