Hello there its been a while

So its been like two months since my last post and a lot has happened. the weather has turned and its cold all the damn time but that hasn't stopped me from running the shutter as you will see later in this post. I have had some really good luck getting ictures but as I just said its gotten cold so when I go out I have been staying in my car as much as I can, but if I need to get out to get that shot I do. I;ve been walking in mud, snow and ice for the last month depending on where I've been. I had to make a quick trip down to my daughters place, she had her baby and he is a handsome little guy. I hadn't planed on going down at the time and it was a last second thought that I tossed some of my camera gear in the car. I didn't how ever bring a lens that would be suitable to photograph JJ my newest grandson. I made due with my ell phone and I did take a few with my 100-400mm lens but I wasn't real happy with them. So I'm going to toss in a few pics that I took on that trip and one or two from my last trip to Turnbull. I have a lot to post about so I'm hoping to do another post tomorrow while they work on my car (Oil change time).
Bighorn sheep! Finaly got a Ram they weren't full curl Rams but hey I'll take it. I was close enough to get good photos and thats a plus.
Porcupine was on my bucket list! I mean I see them all the damn time but they are on the road dead. This guy was the only thing I saw to take pictures of on my last trip to Turnbull. I guess if its not going to be a door buster trip you might as well get one checked off the list. In fact this year I have taken a few off my list and I plan on doing a post on that soon. I have maybe six or seven post that I'd like to get done. This year is coming to a close (at work my year ends at the end of this month) and I hope to have a little more free time to get caught up on my blog and my photos. I just downloaded 6500 photos and I'm sure I need to do some posting with a few of those. Plus just today I took a couple hundred photos of Bald Eagles some are pretty cool too! So I hope you come back and have a look around as I'm going to be posting some pretty awesome shots.


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