No Goose just Moose

I spent four years going to Yellowstone on vacation driving around and asking people if they had seen any Moose. I also made several trips into Grand Teton NP and was never able to spot a Moose. I mean they are HUGE, but I could not find one. I had also made several trips here in Washington to find them. Then one day I found a place that claimed there were a steady population of Moose. I went there and found Moose just inside the reserve. In the back of my head I told myself that now that I had found them, I would find them in Yellowstone, and I was right. Monday morning I headed to Lamar Vally then beyond because I knew that there was a good chance that I could find a Moose there. I not only found a Moose I found two.
Those were the only Moose I seen in the park, but not all I seen on my trip. I stopped for the night in Ennis MT. A local there told me that I could find Moose if I drove the lake. So that afternoon I did just that and I found this young lady.
The next morning I drove the lake one more time before I pointed my car west and head for the other side of the Rockys. As I drove I was able to get pictures (both trips) of other critters and well some more Moose
Right after taking those shots I was heading for the exit and I spotted this beast of a Moose about a quarter mile away. Now I'm using a 600mm lens on a cropped sensor which makes it a 980mm lens.
He was heading for the highway and I wanted to get in place to get some good shots of him. I didn't think he would cross the highway, let alone not even brake stride doing it. I drove past where I thought he would be and turned around and parked on the far side of the road. When I got out he was headed straight for the highway, I crossed and started taking pictures. Here are some of my favorite ones from that shoot.
That guy was as tall at the sholders as I am tall (I'm 5'10'') And he is the closest I ever want to get to a Moose EVER. I'm glad I got the photos but that was a little scarry. But it wasn't my last Moose sighting. On my way home I stopped by Turnbull to see if I could spot another Moose. Once again I got two for the price of one.
So there is the Moose post, I haven't figured out who's next but it will come sometime over the weekend. I have to start work again in the morning. See you on the next post.


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