Just "Bear" with me on this post

Today I left Yellowstone, but before I left I wanted to hit Lamar Valley one more time. A friend wanted a head shot of a Bison and I thought I would see if I could catch a Bull by the road. That never happened, in fact the Bison were way way out there. So I headed back to where I hadd seen some Moose the day before (Those pictures will be comming soon enough). I had almost gotten to the spot when I had to slam on my breaks. There were about six cars stopped in the road. Now if you've ever been to Yellowstone you know that this is a no no. But I had to stop, there were cars in both lanes. I looked up and this is what I saw.
He was tossing rocks down the side of the hill and onto the road. What ever he was eating he must of liked it. Here are a few more shots. He was soaking wet as it was raining pretty good.
I will be posting a lot over the next week or so (or longer) I have taken so many photos and I'm only Three days into a Twelve day Vacation. I'll be back in Washington Tomorrow sometime. I'll be heading South, East and West in that order. My next blog will be something like this, just one subject. I have Moose, Bighorn sheep, Pronghorn sheep, Bison, Elk and so much more slated to do. Stick around I'm just getting started.


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