For 7 "Bucks" I will

So last night I stopped in Ennis Montana for the night. I drove the local lake and snapped a few pictures of some deer (Pluse a few other animals for another post). This first shot has Seven Bucks in it. I don't think I've ever seen that many in one place.
There were a few Fawns that were by the road. Now I was here in July and there were Fawns they were new born to a few weeks old. So by now they should be spot free... But this place is... Strange. Lets start this off with twin Fawns.
Now I said this place was strange and I wasn't kidding, look what else I found.
Post will be comming in often, I'm still out and about. I'm at Turnbull in the morning then heading south after a trip around the park. See you in the next post.


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