Bighorn Sheep

So here is the next post. Bighorn sheep. I wiated to do this post in hopes of getting a few shots of Rams, but I never did see any. So here are the Ewes and Kids I did find. They were right off the side of the road as I came out of Hayden Vally in Yellowstone. One of the Kids was hidden and as I was taking pictures of its mom it jumped out from behind some brush so its a little blurry, Its mom has a radio collar on as they monitor them like all the other spiecies in the park. Many photographers don't like that they do it as it takes away from the photo. I think its great. It helps protect and gives us a ton of info on them. So here are the photos.
I'm down at my Daoughters house for a couple days with plans on getting some Sea lion photos. then in day or two I will make my way North towards home. Its been a great trip with some awesome photos that are yet to come. See ya


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