Fires are burning in Washington State

I know there are fires burning in other places and some are much worse than the ones burning in my area. But a fire is a fire and it hits us all the asame. I have had friends evacuated and a friends child has lost their home. The smoke in the area is, like real bad. Spokanes air quality was at one point 453. thats way past being "Very unhealthy" here where I am at it was as high as 225, still "Unhealthy" but hasn't gotten any worse. I was planning on going after more Moose photos as there is a cow with a set of twins there I would love to photograph. Unfortunatly that Highway is closed and the air quality was in the 400's. I could of gotten to the place by going the long way around, but I'm pretty sure they were closed do to the closeness of the fire. So I went with plan B. I headed out early this morning in the hopes of getting one of those colorful sunrises. The only beauty you can get from the from the distruction of forest fires. Now I'm in my mid sixties so I have to be extra careful about going out in all that smoke. Maybe I should of just stayed home, but I really wanted that shot. So what did I do.... I dressed for the conditions that's what!
The smoke wasn't as bad at Poyholes State Park as it was at home but it was bad enough. I waited for the sun to rise and it did. But I got no cool sunrise. The smoke was to much for it to cut through. It just got lighter. as seen in this picture, notice the smoke, it almost looks like fog.
When the sun rose high enough in the sky that it could be seen I took a photo from my Canon 90D, T7I and my cell phone. I will post them in that order and you'll see why I use a camera for wildlife and not a phone. Now I'm not using a cheap phone, this is the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra. It has a fantastic camera, but it just wont do for me.
There wasn't much wildlife out today as to be expected in these conditions, I missed two rabbits that were on the side of the road. I was able to snap a few phots, I will post them below. Now I must think about next weekend. I had a trip planed to go to a new place, but I want to head back for the Moose. I have a week to figure that all out so I'll keep you posted.
See you on the next post!


  1. Hey Duck, these are great pix of your adventures. Miss you bestie 😁


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