Trip to Turnbull National Wildlife #2 Part #1
On my second trip to Turnbull I was wanting photos of the Cow and twin Calf Moose that are there. Well that didn't happen but the trip wasn't a wash by any means. I seen no less (or more) than 4 Moose and was actually able to document the second Bull Moose in the park.Two trips and twice I found something they didn't know was there. Granted I found it two minutes before the park did, but still I found it first...Na na na boo boo. I also got photos of two new species for me I will post those photos below. There was a Third but I wasn't able to get a photo of it, but I'll look one up so you can see it. I seen more critters on this trip by far than the last. I drove the Auto loop 3 times as I did last time and I walked 3 of the trails. ( I only did two last trip) I talked to the same Ranger as I did last time, she is always helpful and willing to share any wildlife updates that she has. She also welcomes any and all news that you have to share with her about the park...