
Showing posts from August, 2023

Trip to Turnbull National Wildlife #2 Part #1

On my second trip to Turnbull I was wanting photos of the Cow and twin Calf Moose that are there. Well that didn't happen but the trip wasn't a wash by any means. I seen no less (or more) than 4 Moose and was actually able to document the second Bull Moose in the park.Two trips and twice I found something they didn't know was there. Granted I found it two minutes before the park did, but still I found it first...Na na na boo boo. I also got photos of two new species for me I will post those photos below. There was a Third but I wasn't able to get a photo of it, but I'll look one up so you can see it. I seen more critters on this trip by far than the last. I drove the Auto loop 3 times as I did last time and I walked 3 of the trails. ( I only did two last trip) I talked to the same Ranger as I did last time, she is always helpful and willing to share any wildlife updates that she has. She also welcomes any and all news that you have to share with her about the park...

A few more shots from Turnbull wildlife reserve

I know I said I would do a post a few days ago, but work has been crazy and I am doing two trips out for photos this weekend and I am preparing for that. I have a few photos that I would like to share before my next trip tomorow. So this first photos is one I had to chase down. It took me about 100 yards to get this photo. I know 100 yaards isn't that far but its a bug so theres that. The rest of the photos I'll just post and not bore you with chatter. So look for my next post, I don't know if I will do a post for each trip or put them both together as one. Thanks for stopping by.

Fires are burning in Washington State

I know there are fires burning in other places and some are much worse than the ones burning in my area. But a fire is a fire and it hits us all the asame. I have had friends evacuated and a friends child has lost their home. The smoke in the area is, like real bad. Spokanes air quality was at one point 453. thats way past being "Very unhealthy" here where I am at it was as high as 225, still "Unhealthy" but hasn't gotten any worse. I was planning on going after more Moose photos as there is a cow with a set of twins there I would love to photograph. Unfortunatly that Highway is closed and the air quality was in the 400's. I could of gotten to the place by going the long way around, but I'm pretty sure they were closed do to the closeness of the fire. So I went with plan B. I headed out early this morning in the hopes of getting one of those colorful sunrises. The only beauty you can get from the from the distruction of forest fires. Now I'm in ...

Captain Ahab gets his whale (I get my Moose photos)

For over four years I have been trying to get photos of Moose. I know people see moose all the time. I use to see Moose years ago and I never had a camera with me. Now that I don't go out of the city let alone on vacation without at least one camera (not counting my phones) with me, I just couldn't find a Moose to save my life. I went to Yellowstone and the Grand Titons four years in a row and spent at least one full day and most times several days looking for Moose. I would talk to people that had seen a Moose five minutes ago around the corner and I would rush to get that shot. Well that shot never happened. I went through at least 7 tanks of gass hunting this elusive critter. That is until today, today was my day! Not only did I see a Moose when I had a camera, but I saw THREE Moose and had TWO cameras with me. I went to a place called Turnbuul National Wildlife resurve. I googled "Wheres the best place to see Moose in Washington State" and this was one...

A massive Buck!

I normally wouldn't do a post on deer let alone a single deer. I mean they are beautiful in their own right, but pretty common in the area. This guy is an exception to the rule. this is the biggest buck I've seen in years, his body mass is equil to Buck Norris. (you can Google Buck Norris for photos of him, I have some somewhere from way back when) Now he may only have a 3x3 rack now but you give this guy a couple years and he will have a record rack. so here are some of the photos I took off him.