
Showing posts from July, 2024

I dub thee "Shaggy"

Day one in Yellowstone wasn't a big bear day. (Not that day two was either) I seen one Black Bear cub and couldn't get a good photo of it as I was stopped on the road with no where to pull over. I snapped a quick shot of it in the shade as it was walking away from me. Not worth posting the photo of so I wont. (see how I am) Day two I seen two count them TWO Black Bears. One was petty far away but the photos turned out okay-iish so I will post one for the first photo of this blog. see if you can find it. The second one was much, much closer and I was able to get some really good shots of it eating Ants, Termites and or Grubs. (I wasn't that close to see what it was eating) It tore into a log at one point and was digging in the ground as well as walking along logs and eating something. Now the Title of this post is me naming something "Shaggy" It was this Bear. One look at it and you'll know why I named it that. I don't know if its a male or female, its y

Birds of prey/raptors pt 1 baby owls

yeah it's about time right? well here is the first one in the series. I'm focusing on baby owls as they are always one of my favorite things to take pictures of and babies are always cute. So sit back and please enjoy.. this is one of two baby burrowing owls that I have found. the other is camera shy and didn't want anything to do with me. Someone has posted the location of these owls on some bird site and there has been a lot of people hanging around taking photos. I have located two other neat areas but I'm not telling anyone where to find them. some people have no respect for the birds or the pricey of other people's lands. The above photos are of a baby great horned owl. I have been taking photos of it's parents for a couple of years now. they have gotten used to me to the point where if I wake them they just go back to sleep. I'm okay with that really. My next scheduled post will be on a mixed bag of raptors, but there ma