Raptors, They are everywhere
One thing you can count on in winter around my area is the Raptors. The Bald Eagles come from who knows where to hang out at the lakes here in central Washington. This year there are more than normal though. Where I knormally go for photos of them this time of year is just crazy full of the flying lions of the skys. There are also more than normal amounts of Hawks, some of which are Rough Leged Hawks that only come here in winter but also Red Tailed Hawks.I'll start with some Hawk photos. I was out trying out the 30 FPS on my Canon R7. I normally use "First curtin" which only does 15 FPS. Tell me what you think. Like I said above the Bald Eagles are everywhere. There were about 30 of them just sitting on the frozen lake. The first photo of the Four togeather is kind of a cool picture. There is a mature Eagle and then one that is just getting its white plumage. Then as close as I can tell there is one that is a Two year old and a one year old. Its hard to t...